Wednesday, January 14, 2009

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the wave does not stop

L ' University of Calabria, in the guise of the rector and senior d ' University, has prepared to inaugurate the ' academic year 2008/09 by inviting - to honor the event - the President of the Piergiorgio Republic Napolitano ; (You will, tralatro, seized the occasion to dedicate the auditorium in the first rector dell'unical B . Andreatta) . There ' is just a fucking to celebrate, spontaneous would rather do a funeral at our university public , dismantled unceremoniously blows of decrees - law .
why we want to hear again our voices loud and clear, hoping that our screams ginugano to the ears of those who continue to ignore long .
We invite you to participate .
to involve all .

Concentration shelters economy h : 9

Onda Calabro to


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