Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dorm Refrigerator Monster

Antonio Martino on Vaclav Klaus that there have told

Vaclav K. State the kind of man who like to criticize the right-minded Antonio Martino In 1988 a meeting was held in Vienna between Eastern and Western economists. The proceedings were held in a hotel full of charm and antiquated and began at 9. At eleven o'clock one of the participants stood up and indignant, said, "we are here for just two hours and Karl Marx has been nominated three times! In my country nobody talks about it, ever. " Taking advantage of the coffee break, I approached and we started to chat it discovered that he knew very well the thinking of the great liberals of the twentieth century: Hayek, Friedman, Stigler.Gli asked how he knew those things, Czechoslovakia these authors were probably banned. Replied that he had discovered in Prague, but in Naples where he had spent a period of study. I made that I was in Naples there were liberal economists, "it may be said, but there are no libraries."
In these twenty years we met many times and I think I know abbastanza.Non never forget his account of the evening which ended the "velvet revolution", "our son came back very late and we waited anxiously. When he finally returned he told us we have done our part, now it's up to you! "As finance minister and then as prime minister, Klaus has done everything to pass the czech economy from communism to free markets. His bold plan based on the distribution of privatization vouchers which corresponded to a share of ownership of SOEs, but has not had all the success it deserved because of the opposition of the old nomenclature, it was not even the spectacular failure expected by statist and has initiated the czech republic toward a more free.

I mention him because the fact that the Czech Republic and President of the EU makes Klaus's successor as President Sarkozy and the European Union it has terrorized the right-minded and euro-enthusiasts. The lure anathema - "Euroscepticism" - was dusted and used at full blast. It is an accusation that does not include an appeal the recipient to pay a final decision. Essendon was hit too, I know that it is useless to defend herself groped, especially if you have nothing to forgive. One accused of rape, murder, robbery, has the opportunity to present its case and defend himself in court, all of which is closed to anyone accused of Euroscepticism.

Vaclav is the kind of a statesman who like to criticize the right-minded, giving him a grotesque caricature bleak. On the other hand, as the Czech president has the courage to say what they think, this gives his critics the chance to tell stories about him. As just one example, after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the USSR, no one had the gall to invoke a return to communism, on the other hand, the ex-communists were not suddenly become liberals became so fashionable, more than was in the past, the "third way" - a kind of middle way between Soviet communism and capitalism "wild." Klaus summarily dismissed the idea saying that the third way inevitably leads to underdevelopment. Obviously this did not endear the ex-communists.

When I hear some European leaders, whose history has not inflicted the terrible experience of living in a communist dictatorship, so much superficial talk of freedom as a principle of social organization and driving force of economic and social development, I see the presence of Klaus EU driving satisfaction. Being represented by those who experienced those horrors is assured, he will certainly not be to please right-thinking people to endanger the freedoms we still enjoy.

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By what authority?

"Some people say that life is a sexually transmitted disease, killing one hundred percent. Is that what you meant to say is killing Eluana? ". For the secular leader of Cl Giancarlo Cesana, "denying the charity is to deny freedom to love '

Luigi Amicone, the" Times "

It is true that God writes straight on crooked lines. Shit happens. That's life. The bad things happen. For example, you happened to Eluana the execution of a sentence of death by starvation or dehydration. In his last hours we have been following the updates of the news scrolling through websites. Or throwing glances of dismay on newspapers and television. But what happens whenever there is something true in a huge lie? According

who did die, Eluana had been dead for seventeen years. Yet Eluana had a cough. It was like the sudden rise of a beautiful sunny day. As the petition that Roberto Formigoni and others have launched to President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday. And on Sunday the establishment of time was invested by thousands and thousands of signatures gathered by fax ordinary people, people who happened to see this thing in our site, and which described it as the next door neighbor put up ol'ha a counter bar ol'ha brought to Mass on Sunday. There

Giancarlo Cesana, you do of you, have been friends for thirty years. Did you expect such a story?

After all did not go even four years after the tragedy of Terri Schiavo. Once certain things we wanted to arrive in Italy for twenty years. Now here we are, with a little euthanasia 'brutal, even without a law on living wills, one step ahead of Zapatero. What do you think?
What I have to say I told you. I am a Christian, for me life is sacred, a gift from God, it is good that I can not have as I want. After that there are two aspects that I think are too little emphasized. First, the father who wanted to end the life of this woman does not realize that it is not alone. Because the sisters have always assisted and said they were willing to continue to assist you. So the attitude of Englaro Dad, knowingly or not, has denied her daughter's life and the love of those who assisted her. But to deny the charity is to deny freedom. It is the tremendous impression of this company, to deny freedom to love. Because, you see, I could understand that touches a care in the way her daughter would be cared for Eluana. I can understand that, even if they do not justify it. However, that a denial of the good that can make me another just seems inhumane. Second aspect. Supporters of euthanasia are generally even supporters of the doubt, so-called "secular," while Catholics, according to this version of secularism, we would be those who would impose their faith and their certainty to others. This story reveals the opposite. In fact, one part is denied any possibility of doubt and we affirm the faith some of what was good for Eluana. Across the doubt, and then the sense of limit before the mystery. In fact, euthanasia supporters deny any possibility of doubt about what this woman included, felt, suffered. And he could understand, feel and suffer while killing them off the tube of water and other nutrients. In short, we know so little that they had to kill sedarla. A treatment that clearly says that there were doubts. But they went ahead. This attitude reminds me of a lady who wrote the letter to Corriere della Sera to challenge the position of Professor Giorgio Pardi, abortion doctor who changed his mind and then I heard a few months before his death (see
interview with Times of October 5, 2006, ed
). Leopards claimed not to know if the embryo had no dignity or human. But this, said the woman, is the same location as the hunter who hears something moving in a bush and, while not knowing whether it is a hare or a child, shoot the same.
Jannacci And you say?

Good blood does not lie. From his songs reveal a great humanity. Care for the sick because they did not begin to be known cure. But it was essential to achieve cure. If under the impulse of "charity" and were not born of Christian piety centers for the sick (including those patients, such as leprosy and plague that once were simply expelled from the community and left to die on the margins of society), if they were born and then orders the hospitable hospital, medicine would not have developed as we know. It is a fact that the development of medicine is started by charity and piety, human solidarity, not a scientific movement. And from a solidarity that has begun to see human suffering as a participation in Christ's suffering. Christ, who then redeems all human suffering by his resurrection (because as St. Paul writes, if Christ had not risen, vain is our faith, that we could not humanly have hope in the face of suffering - as Benedict XVI said, Christianity would be "absurd") by removing death as the last word. It is this awareness that has made a positive move towards the sick. Failing this, you do not know how to sustain the hope of men. Shakespeare said that life is a long agony. Just recently I have felt the quote that defines life as a sexually transmitted disease, killing one hundred percent. This is our current understanding of life? Is that what you meant to say is killing Eluana? And then, in those conditions was seventeen years old, you might not have expected the parliament to pass a law? Eluana possible that should go down in history as the only killed as Italian, hunger and thirst, as no law, not even the most extreme of the living will or even euthanasia, which will be discussed in Parliament provides? Possible that none of these eminent constitutional experts who advised the President of the Republic to reject the decree of life-saving Berlusconi has come the suspicion that perhaps there was not the decree was unconstitutional, but the death sentence? The prevalence of the law of love, so this is serious. Summary Justice, the highest injustice. Now here in Italy we have become accustomed to certain things. Do not you think? distinguish, in the meantime, the ratio of law-medicine and so-called "justicialism" that in fact rife in general for over a decade. On the first horn of the question, it is true, the relationship between medicine and law are becoming more intense. For two reasons. The first is that from the perspective of the evolution of ways of life Biomedicine is the most important factor. Think of what they produced on the laws of assisted reproduction techniques. For example, until recently it was clear that "certain mater semper. Now that the Latin and the underlying reality, natural, normal, taken for granted until a few years ago, is no longer so clear. Because, thanks to biomedicine, now a child can have not one but different mothers. It may be the genetic mother, the pregnant mother and the nursing mother. In short, we have entered another world. Hence the second reason that makes more and more stringent relations between medicine and law: all this scientific development raises the need to somehow traccino boundaries. Because not everything can be done, there is a need to regulate medicine, as the extremes of what is permitted is what is required and what is forbidden. To answer the second horn of the question, "justicialism" The problem is that the law is properly administered and that the exercise of judicial power does not prevail over people and the other powers. Otherwise the democracy is going to be blessed. Here, in Italy to be struggling a lot this balance. And as I said before, not today. Impression on me, almost twenty years ago, the word that Don Giussani, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, he used to describe Italy: country "intoxicated." From this intoxication are not out yet.

Why? Because the '68 has been heavily attacked the tradition of the country, Catholic, since Italy is a Catholic country, with no alternative has emerged. Indeed. The revolutionary alternative that even in Italy has tried to build after the war and that in '68 seemed at hand, collapsed with the fall of the Berlin Wall. He left behind a justicialism so pervasive as powerless, with the same cruel inefficiency of public administration. I was impressed that the former U.S. Ambassador Ronald Spogli, leaving Italy, he spoke of us as a 'power in decline. " It seems that no one has responded ... Intendimi, I do not think it's over, indeed.

It's not over because you hope that sooner or later reach a civil religion on us too? No. It is not over because I'm a human experience meaningful. And because there are many friends who are with me. So, my hope is based on what there is, not knowing that tomorrow something happens that now is not there.

No civil religion, then? The problem is serious. A Member, its construction as a compromise or arrangement between its various components, needs a recognition of something common. The fathers of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence wrote "we believe that certain truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they were endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these There are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. " We shared, the foundation of our Constitution, we have that "Italy is a republic founded on work." It's a little 'bit.

Then right theologian Vito Mancuso, according to which Catholics must bring a dowry to the seed company of their identity that it rots in the ground and makes it bear fruit, along with other seeds rotted, a new civil religion. Is that it?

No, the seed that rots is to give a certain plant, that plant, not just any, from the fruit of which will be recognized if it is good or not. Jesus says we are a yeast, not a solute. Catholicism is a universal religion, not civil. But keep in mind, Catholicism, as evidenced the very life of the Catholic Church throughout the world, helping to join together in civilization rather than make war. The persecution of Christians and the Catholic Church is a bit 'a litmus test. Tell us when, where and persecute Christians Catholic Church, a little or a lot, there is persecution of the people.
Sarai racist, denounced the illegal immigrants, too, because for now, doctors may order (not "should") do?

The doctor, give first aid, performs an act of compassion and humanity, which does not seek the complaint to the police. If, however, sees a meningitis, a rape, an accident at work, must report to the criminal, for protect the patient and society. And this has to do it whether it's fellow countrymen is that it is illegal. These, then, of course, are not insured. Thus, for welfare benefits, at least those of a certain level, you must file a complaint or request to the government. It seems to me that the new law has done much fuss about nothing.
Giuliano Ferrara. Continue to follow him, despite your past strategic differences on the "list mad? Always. It is one of the people that I admire more. But not so much for his fight for life, against the RU486 and so on, which of course I agree. But why does a newspaper that teaches you to think that places issues, which supports the curiosity and knowledge of how things really are. In fact I always tell kids that if they want to read a newspaper should read the paper. And time, of course. But the newspaper is to read the paper. Clear that they are with him in the battles for his life against the nihilism of the time. But when you throw in politics and then lost I'm sorry. We have made these experiences more than thirty years ago, with the divorce and then abortion. It is not that it was made worse today. On the contrary. So, I think the referendum on divorce, there was a crazy list. There was the Christian Democrats, Amintore Fanfani, the church, parish and everyone expected a triumph with millions and millions of votes. Then there was the abortion, a very serious thing, all convinced that people would vote on the good life, according to their conscience. But no, we lost all the battles so-called ethical. The referendum on the law we won 40 to abstain, not because there was a movement of popular belief. The truth is put to the vote, it says that's all.

So what are you doing? You retire from public life?
Not at all. But I try not to go crashing into a wall when I see the wall in front of me.

Giancarlo, Feb. 22 runs on the fourth anniversary of the death of Don Luigi Giussani? Do you miss the Don Giussani?
Yes, I miss Giussani. It was one on which I leaned. But there's one thing to say: he left us a lot. Gave us the opportunity to go forward. In this sense it was a true master. Why did we do experience. An experience that lasts, that goes on, that continues. So, let us hope.

A recent note from the Vatican Secretariat of State disclosed the dramatic sequence of controversy that began with the bishop's statements denying the Holocaust Lefebvre Richard Williamson is able to say explicitly that the levy for admission to an office in the Episcopal Church will also have to make absolutely clear and public distance from its position on the Holocaust, not known to the Holy Father at the time of remission of excommunication. " The brief, suggests a much tried by the pope attacks on his person and the Church. "The Holy Father asks the prayerful support of all the faithful." But do not you think that, beyond the Williamson case, the pope in Regensburg, and the lessons of rationality, culture, affection, and as a subject of offensive preconceived hostility and militant, as if powers both inside and outside the Church feel threatened and then point it to weaken, undermine, intimidate, and true emotional power of this pontificate? Yes, it seems that they meet with less sympathy than we expected. But it is only the case of this pope. It happens to all the popes. Who is more, some less. It also happened to his predecessor, John Paul II. We have in mind the huge crowds at the funeral of John Paul. But let's not forget the attacks he suffered for many years, inside and outside the Church, the fierce criticism. Once he was a conservative, because it was another friend of Solidarity, still another because he thought a bit 'like Reagan and so on. All this does not happen because we are in 2009 than in 1985. It happens because, as Eliot said, the Church - and its chief representative - is tender where men would be strict and stern where the men would be soft. And this is an attitude that men find it hard to accept.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gloryhole Orange County

Charter Club San Bernardino

With the name "Circle San Bernardino for the dissemination of Christian thought-liberal" is an association under Article. 60 et seq of the Swiss Civil Code. Association may join all residents regardless of their nationality in Ticino.
L 'Association will be located:
via Pedmunt 29 A 6513 Monte Carasso

Article 2. Purpose: To promote

culture and tradition of the Christian-liberal human in general and particularly in economics and politics.

in disorder and dismay at the current level of good solutions to address the present and the future as well as against the relativism of ideas and values \u200b\u200bin which we are immersed, for a constructive response to these situations and to contribute to the common good, the Circle San Bernardino is working to keep alive the need for education on Christian-liberal principles. To this end, the Association follows four intentions:

1. Preserve and disseminate the history, tradition and knowledge gained over the centuries resulting dall'approccio Christian-liberal reality
2. Defend the gains of the liberal Christian tradition that have made the West and make it great
3. To promote the ideas and experiences that refresh, renew and revive the tradition of Christian liberal in dealing with situations of communal living and future
4. Participate in the debate and the formation of opinion for the solution of specific problems of political and economic order, starting from the wealth of content and method of their heritage of thought and experience Christian liberal
L 'Association may have cooperation agreements with other associations or groups, even partisan, in order to make operational the principles which underpin it.
The Association has no party or religious character.

Article 3. Means and social contributions

To achieve the objectives, the Association is funded by the isolation of the social taxes, the same shall be determined annually by the Steering Committee and by voluntary contributions.

Article 4. Membership - Admission
The possibility of application for admission and membership implies the full acceptance of the goals, ideals and purposes of the Association. Accession shall be effected by the payment of social tax.
Article 5. Termination of
The termination of the association may be due to resignation, exclusion or death.
If a member decides to submit his resignation, the same must be announced at least six months before the end of the calendar year (Art. 70 CCS)
by registered letter to the President of the Association and on its Steering Committee.

Article 6. Exclusion

A member may be excluded from any time even without giving a reason. The Steering Committee decides on the exclusion, the member may appeal to the General Assembly.

Section 7. The bodies of the organs


- The Assembly
The Steering Committee - The Audit Committee

Article 8.

Assembly The Assembly is the supreme body of the Association social, it is convened in ordinary form, by the Steering Committee once a year. The Assembly may be convened in extraordinary form at the discretion of the Executive Committee or if it was requested by at least two thirds of the members by written request to the Steering Committee with a minimum notice of 15 days.
The Assembly elects the Executive Committee, approve the accounts and activities of the Steering Committee, amending the statutes and decide whether radiation members.

Article 9. Steering Committee

The Management Committee has the right and duty to look after the interests of the Association and to represent it according to the purposes and powers specified in the statutes.
The Steering Committee is composed of 3 to 7 members elected every three years by the Assembly. Nomination to be its President as well as assign specific tasks to each member. Decide by a majority of the members.

Article 10. Signatures.

The Association is bound by the joint signatures of two members of the Steering Committee.

Article 11. Responsibility for the debts of the Association

responds only the assets. E 'except the personal liability of members.

Article 12. Review Commission
The audit committee, if elected, is composed of two members, re-elected, appointed by and shall serve for three years.
Article 13.

The dissolution of the dissolution can be pronounced by the Assembly at any time. The specially convened meeting, may decide the dissolution by a majority of two thirds of members present. The Association's assets may be donated to an institution that pursues the same or similar purposes or to a charity and this decision to shareholders.

Article 14. Final rules

For matters not covered by this statute are state rules of associations, under the Swiss Civil Code Article 60 et seq.

Article 15. Entry into force

This statute was accepted as part of the Constituent Assembly 2 February 2009 and entered into force on that date.

Attachments: Supplemental Regulations "Boundary Circle San Bernardino"

Alexis Texas Does Not Work With Black Men

Religion and politics: united in the human heart

Interview with Sergio Morisoli the Journal of the People

Fiorenzo Era
association to spread the Christian-liberal thought: with this aim has just been the Circle San Bernardino (CSB, see the GDP on Wednesday). To further the aims of the association (which admittedly is not partisan or religious in nature), we turned to its president, Sergio Morisoli, economist and vice-mayor of Monte Carasso.

Why a circle? In the tradition of liberal circles have always been crucial to bringing citizens closer to complex problems. are a form of spontaneous aggregation from the bottom (the principle of subsidiarity) genuine and very flexible. Why
Well, the things that are not bottom-planned, mature when they ripen, then when there is an understanding between people blossom naturally. Moreover it seems to me that after putting in the ceiling the Christian tradition is a bit 'anywhere in the basement putting too liberal "classic" non-Jacobin. There is a lot of trouble to discover and invent new schemes, the alchemy of reference at all costs as if the agitation was sometimes better than standing still. I find it wrong to forget or dismiss in this way, the "vehicles" that have brought us this far. Instead, I believe it is appropriate and just the right time to redraw and re-evaluate how good these two traditions have given us and we will still be able to give. There may be considering and keeping all the good (as St. Paul said) the great combination with one another so far remained unexplored or deliberately kept hidden.
There are policy objectives?
If you want to discuss politics and join the debate on the issues that are connected, in view of the circle, directly to living together and the common good, certainly. If you are going to occupy chairs or produce voter lists to make it to this one certainly not, is excluded. After all the founders have already all the guidelines and their sensitivity and different party, and this does not detract from but absolutely reinforces the goodness of the initiative.
Because the scope is limited to politics and economics?

is not a limit, but simply because they are areas where we are closer and there are more expensive. You can not do everything, better to build on the experience and expertise if it can be groped to give added value. Also in this period of history all right or wrong, is focused and practical politics and economics, one can not help but confrontarcisi.
That approach will have the Club?

As a bottom, we want to make sure that it is a place where things become a bit complex 'most simple and familiar to those who are not "experts." No coincidence that the reference to San Bernardino We must constantly recall that simplicity of heart and reasoning. A place, a small and humble of education for adults of good will, for those interested in understanding and judging reality for what it is, not for what should have been or what should be. E 'from a distance with ease, sow today to pick a day, a bit' as Abber the courage to do the Benedictines when Europe had become a disaster if you do what is necessary is made. It is the method of critianesimo: that propagates out of curiosity and envy due to come and see, if you try to match the remains if not better.
And desire?

to be able to pass arguments and facts to prove: that Christianity and liberalism are not enemies to each other but may contain congruences so far not explored because of prejudice, that the free market and capitalism are the essential conditions of our lives and are not anti-Christian, church and state that they have to be separate but that religion and politics are in the human heart and are inseparable.

Friday, February 6, 2009

White Bump Behind My Lip Ring

What is it and what the club wants to San Bernardino?

1. The symbolism of the logo
logo consists of a regular pentagon joined in the circle, symbolizing the power of man in wanting to attain the ideal of good, just and good that is entered for the natural law in every heart. The circle that contains the pentagon that perfection is unattainable with only the forces and human capacity, a perfection of which it is sensed by the existence of secular non-believers and intuition turns into certainty for lay believers who have met Faith in the Christian God.
But both are imperfect and fallible in their secular condition, "well, but tend to do evil." So the Pentagon, regular geometric shape and strange, symbolically sums up the perimeter, so the space within which this tension in the human quest for perfection of the circle unfolds. Awareness is the effort to go further in these five sides entered the circle, despite all the good will of man, will never make a pentagon in a circle. The Pentagon will be a geometric figure beautiful, elegant, attractive and fascinating in its facets but ultimately unfinished compared to the fullness of the creche.
The educational process and through the Circle San Bernardino (CSB) is to develop, it is to regain his strength and motivation to begin a journey to explore the reality Within the perimeter of an imaginary pentagon, with the knowledge and the humility that depends on the perfection of the Pentagon and is still low and share of a perfection that is wider than the rim. This game
geometric figurative logo, summarizing the material and spiritual nature of man and the indivisible limit. The San Bernardino
Circle in full awareness of his inadequacy and his imperfections, he wants to set the scene for this relationship between geometric figures, and lost but not forgotten: rediscovery of known and revived, not as an intellectual or religious point of view ( would never be equal) but from a pragmatic basis and referred from the facts that the political and economic past, present and future offers us. This will also clearly identified and defined the area or the area contained the five sides of the pentagon, later on as the club moves: political and economic. In his
desired space limitation, as a small part of the whole and not intended to be exhaustive, the club is focused on achieving its educational goal through the spreading of the wealth of thought and experience grew in the Christian-liberal connubbio that accompanies model and knead for centuries to live our personal and communal.

2. The name of the Club

In search of a "patron" he had an affair with the aspirations of the Club and the logic of point 1, in the presence of many great people (religious and secular) which over the centuries in one way or another have built and defended the traditional Christian-liberal the difficult choice fell on San Bernardino of Siena (1380-1444). Here are some summary reasons, and forcibly caricatures, which are the basis of this choice.

The period in which he lived was San Bernardino in some ways very similar to ours, this was the end of the Middle Ages, but not yet defined at the beginning of the period after "modern." The problems of political, economic, moral, were intrinsically linked to each other while the air already smelled of momentous changes and challenges that since the fifteenth century and were then by following them to come quickly.
So with all due prudence and weights was a very similar to ours, a period of general (global for the time then) and thus called into question many certainties and sketches of possible partial solutions.

The person in San Bernardino was what we today would call a star from a media and opinion leaders of unquestioned value and charisma, suffice it to say that churches were not large enough to hold true or not, who came to hear his now famous Sermons to the point that he had to keep on market squares.

was and remains a character extraordinary, fascinating and ingenious. Sent all the charm of Franciscan poverty from which he embraced and knew how to go out and witness the unlimited freedom that following that position generates the man. His genius was, however, that his freedom to live "in the world" not out of touch with the awareness that not everyone could have the grace of this experience, being able to intelligently translate century preaching the beauty of this tension, however, crossing it with a pragmatic the concrete problems of his time, showing that in their own role was to act accordingly. For example
was the first author to write a paper focusing on a subject more that existing "contracts and wear." The text now call the economy was the first to be "single-subject", but until then, many principles, ideas and discoveries of economic laws were introduced and remained scattered in the development of other topics. By convention we can say that if the thinkers' political and economic "that preceded (and in particular the education authority) had opened the field of reflection in a sparse but illuminating on these matters, he was the first to keep them in a joint new way to describe and experiment with reality. Exaggerating a bit 'late to the school after him will follow this path in part and thinkers so-called 'economic centuries later does not come off from considering the economic and political matters are worthy of study and reflection together.

Another reason is that San Bernardino of Siena is the patron saint of Monte Carasso, governing the establishment of the formal association of this club.

To conclude and to make the idea, from which one can glimpse the connection between the club and the name chosen, it borrows a presentation in San Bernardino appeared on the site of Lord Acton Institute:
"And the devil said that the possession of goods belonging to others is a worse sin of 'murder, since it is the sin that sends more than any other people to 'hell. "
San Bernardino da Siena, the" Apostle' d 'Italy', was a missionary and a reformer, economist educational guidance. He was born in the town of Massa Marittima in Tuscany, from a noble family. After providing assistance to the sick during the great plague broke out in Siena in 1400, he entered the 'Order of the Franciscans. In his wandering on foot through the whole' Italy, became a very popular and well known preacher. During his ministry he was offered to become bishop three times, which he refused because he had to abandon what he felt was his main vocation, that of a missionary.
Bernardino was more than what everyone else was able to order in a school system the economy after Thomas Aquinas ', and after the first theologian of Pietro Giovanni Olivi to write an entire opera on' economy. This book entitled On the contracts and wear, addressed the justification of private property, the ethics of trade, the determination of the value and price and the issue of usury. His greatest contribution to the economy was represented by the broader analysis and defense of 'entrepreneur ever written at that time. He pointed out that trade, like all other occupations, could be practiced in both legal and illegal manner, all professions provide the occasion for sin. In addition, merchants provide many useful services: transporting the goods from regions in which they are found in abundance in regions with scarce, preserving and storing goods that are available to consumers whenever they need it, and, as artisans or industrialists transforming raw materials into manufactured products.
Bernardino said that the 'entrepreneur is endowed by God with a precise and unique combination of gifts that enable him to carry out these tasks very useful. He identified four rare combination in this specific entrepreneurial skills: efficiency, accountability, hard work, risk taking. Very few people have these four virtues. For this reason Bernardino argued that the 'entrepreneur rightly earn him enough to stay on the market and be rewarded for his effort. All these gains are the reward for his labor, expenses, and the risks they ran.

Economic Thought Before Adam Smith by Murray N.
Rothbard (Edward Elgar, 1995), Christians for Freedom by Alejandro A. Chafuen (Ignatius, 1986), and The Lives of the Saints by S. Baring-Gould (John Grant, 1914).
3. The references and characters that define the perimeter

To complete the descriptive picture is worth remembering, in the likeness of the Pentagon, the five sides that define it, and this at different levels of investigation.
should be borne in mind that you are moving on the surface of the default policy and the economy as a test of 'positive intersection between Christianity and liberalism in space and time. This dimension, of necessity, can not give a comprehensive response to the countless variety of events that produces the reality, but despite being a partial approach, that it is still helpful for the Christian-liberal dimension that characterized the West in these areas should be: stored and disseminated, defended, promoted and used.
The perimeter so it's not insurmountable, but rather a restriction intended to place greater to focus on the relationship between reality and its boundaries of thought, tradition and culture.

If the events of reality and human action are then placed in the center of the figure described in paragraph 1; analysis and dealing, it is necessary that the 5 boundaries of the Pentagon can "import" inspirations, suggestions, methods, pensiero and possible solutions and then making the Christian liberal trasitare and meeting space called (political-economy).

Apparently the 5 sides of the perimeter change depending on the location from which you want to see the world. We need a method of forcing not to miss, since the matter is vast in time, space and content. The activities of the Club moves within the following "scope": 3.1 Boundary values, characterized by:
Individual freedom Individual responsibility

Subsidiarity Solidarity

3.2 Perimeter century, characterized by:

Power Politics Economics


3.3Perimetro doctrinal / cultural features:
Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church: Rome symbolically
Salamanca School "Austrian" economics: Vienna
Enlightenment / Anglo-Saxon liberalism / American: Edinburgh / Philadelphia
Federalism Helvetic : Grütli
business unit, characterized by: a heritage
Defending objective values \u200b\u200bare not negotiable
Translating the tradition to the present and future
declined to promote new ideas and experiences
compete in the formation of ideas and opinions

4. Requirements for supervision of the work of the Circle

Having defined the statute, the reasons, characteristics, scope and methodology governing the work of the Circle San Bernardino, you just have to give some references to the basic aspect that binds all: the liberal-Christian thought.

Apparently Christianity is not liberalism and liberalism is not Christianity. Although many scholars attempt to put them in total antithesis, while others attempt to prove it with equal force similar to what we are concerned the aim of the club is just that instead of highlighting the many possible points of contact and the points already in common Christianity and Liberalism. The points that unite are numerous, useful for the enhancement of the singularity of the human person and promote the common good that is pursuing liberal Christianity.

to penetrate properly into this "discovery" and to recognize the appeal, it is useful to recall some great quotes from scholars around the theme:

"I am convinced that if the fracture
between true liberalism and religious beliefs will not be remedied,
there will be no hope for the rebirth of liberal forces. "
F. von Hayek, April 1, 1947, the Mont Pelerin Society constitutive relationship

" When religion is destroyed a people, doubt takes hold of the most high intelligence and almost paralyzes all the others. This state of things wear out the soul and prepares citizens to slavery. In my opinion, I doubt that man can never stand at once a complete religious independence and entire political freedom and are led to believe that if he does not have faith, you have to serve and, if it is free you must believe that " .
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, ed. BUR 2003

"Those who, like us, sees the market economy a necessary condition for a society worthy of man, free, profitable and cut to man, has also voiced their opinions to the necessary mechanisms, attributes, and reasons this market economy: profit, own interests, the long list of freedoms, competition, ownership, the role of entrepreneurs, capital income, speculation and so on. We can not accept this. I honestly can not say yes to a market economy and say no to all the conditions and orders necessary, and I stress the word necessary. "
Wilhelm Röpke, The Gospel is not a socialist, and Rubbettino - Facco 2006

"The precepts of living together can not be dropped from above. Men must use their wits to impose order on chaos, intelligence is not understood in the scientific sense as the ability to solve problems, but understood in more complex as the ability to find and keep the agreement among his fellow. (...) The individual freedom can not be boundless, and also the same forces that make some necessary restrictions, if left free to operate can compress the sphere of human freedom far beyond what is sustainable. "
James Buchanan, The limits of freedom, ed. Rusconi 1998

"The reasons for which I think are exactly the same as those for which you do not believe"
Gilbert Chesterton, Orthodoxy, 1908, 1995 and Morcelliana

5. Bibliography

initial work of the Club can not help but refer to some basic texts. Among the many to list, give up to make an exhaustive list because depending on how you build on the work will be carefully identified the texts and authors that will do better reference to the investigation taking into account the perimeters of reference which the Club has given . However, at least some authors and their works are the cardinal points for the orientation of the work Club:

- Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
- Christopher Dawson, Christianity and the formation of Western civilization
- Alejandro A. Chafuen, Christians for Freedom, Catholic roots economy dimercato
- Rodney Stark, Victory of Reason, as Christianity has resulted in freedom, progress and wealth
- Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy
in America - Friedrich A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty, The Road to Serfdom
- Wilhelm Röpke, Civitas Humana, liberal humanism, The Gospel is not a socialist
- Dario Antiseri, to defend the Christian market
- Flavio Felice, Capitalism and Christianity
- James Buchanan, The limits of freedom, the calculation of the consensus
- Michael Novak, The Catholic ethic and the spirit of capitalism
- Ludwig von Mises, The omnipotent state
- Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
- Milton Friedman, Free to Choose, Capitalism and Freedom
- Frederic Bastiat, What you see, what you do not see
- Antonio Rosmini, liberal personalities

- Gilbert K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

- Henry Delubac, the drama of atheistic humanism

- Sergio Rico, the end of the economy
Monte Carasso, January 2009

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can Genital Warts Appear On Scalp

a very interesting article

'Look who works nellíateneo also the son of Scrubs (Liex rector and an opponent of John Latorre, ed) ª.' But you're saying, that there would be the same allíuniversit ‡, has a resume a mile long, maybe there were a pi ˘ ª. The dialogue between employees dellíUniversit ‡ Calabria serves to understand how complex the issue of dibattutta and relatives in Arcavacata campus. Debated for years because it is on everyone's lips. Complex because it should not indulge in over-simplistic. Among the children (and parents) of teachers and technical and administrative employees who work in cubes rendesi there are many young and very effective. All are winners competition, will overcome many fathers and mothers in terms of academic curricula. And for some, others, those who have made a career very quickly with a heavy name, this is an advantage. Used to ìimboscarsiî better, grow allíombra sponsors, the benefits of the genetica.Gi ‡, but how? The mechanism of competition is theoretically difficult to bend to the wishes ‡ private, but some anomaly is unclear. He explained the recently Franco Piperno, Professor of Physics dellíateneo uncomfortable: 'The competitions are a joke - he said - Those are the only university in Italy for which if there are three places available, you have three candidates, while if a species place only for a traffic cop there are a thousand questions ª. One consideration that comes dallíinterno, a deep knowledge of the dynamics dellíateneo. Like say, contests, formally impeccable, are abnormal compared to what happens in other areas lavorativi.Eí phrase that adapts well to the description of the chain of relationships is distributed between the rooms and corridors dellíateneo (to say the truth ‡ question, for once, the league Calabria to the rest of the nation). Again everything is formally unexceptionable, and repeat for the avoidance of doubt, many relatives are valid. Peru remains líanomalia and demand emerges, but will not be too many of these relatives? It would not be appropriate to speak? The fact is that many families have several allíUnical. The most numerous and that of ˘ Costabile. The children of ìcapostipiteî Francis, Michael and Angela have a leading role (the first delegate dellíarea marketing, services for people with disabilities the second) and teachers are appreciated, not only on campus but in the Italian academic world in general. Then there are Charles (‡ researchers of the Faculty of Arts) and Giancarlo (Professor of Mathematics), respectively son and brother of Aldo Frank Costello, lecturer, former Dean of the Faculty of Science ‡, currently director of the Ssis.Tra families are the most full-bodied ˘ Crispin. His father, Franco, was for many years dean ‡ the Faculty of Arts (nellíultimo period was back in the saddle after winning an appeal to the TAR, then overturned by the State Council in favor of Raffaele Perrelli). Joining him among the blocks of the campus, working his daughters Ines (in bed) and Alexandra (in Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences). We remain nellíarea humanities, then we move one, up to dellíeducazione Sciences. Where Professor Joseph Trebisacce, ‡ gi president of this course is accompanied by his sons Nicholas and Giovanbattista (researcher and doctoral student in the same department). Read it yet, but here you can walk back in time and then one must turn to the Dams. Husband and wife, Pier Augusto Bertacchini (now director of the Center Interdepartmental Communication) and Eleonora Bilotta (dcocente first band of General Psychology), he held up the fortunes for a few years before the degree course was completely renovated, not without trauma. From a department head to dean ‡ (and former city councilor of Rende-area DS): Giuseppe De Bartolo has a daughter, Anna Maria, a researcher in Linguistics. In this case, Peru, the family has expanded. The companion of the job search, in fact, with a cooperation agreement, in the same faculty ‡ as a technical amministrativo.Torniamo Letters (‡ will not be that, for líalta incidence of these cases, the neopreside Perrelli announced that it will launch ‡ a transparency operation?), language area. The deus ex machina in the industry and Roberto Guarascio, to which you are brought together for some years his wife, Anna Rosa Rovella (species but also her cousin Valeria Rovella). Two hearts and a commission also díesami Legal Science. Caterini Henry, who is the director dellíarea, works with his wife, Joanne Chiappetta, who is a teacher of second fascia.Nello same vein (that of husband and wife) are part of Mario Alcaro, critical awareness of the Calabrian reformism and professor of History, and his partner Amelia Paparazzo (teacher in the same department). They are our brothers, however, Massimo Veltri, esteemed former senator and professor of the faculty of engineering ‡ (Department of Soil), and Pierre, the director of the Department of Physics visited by Mussi líaltro yesterday, during a visit to líinaugurazione dellíanno academic, for the thirty-Arcavacata. Which aims to transform into a mega-university, she hopes in favor of the policy, advocates in the speech of a chancellor Calabria pi ˘ right. And maybe they should open up the territory, bringing their case allíesterno development and news ‡. Discuss and get involved, even on topics indigestible, such as the relationships