Wednesday, June 17, 2009

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Marx against the economy State

is called as the father of communism, but he rails against the economy of the state. But says the Church "is called to remove the unjust structures of society." Says the Archbishop of Monaco and Freising

of Vito Punzi on "Time"

Always attentive to economic issues and social justice, Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Monaco and Freising (formerly Bishop of Trier from 2001 to 2007), has not remained indifferent to the attempts of interpretation of the new capital, the fundamental work of Karl Marx, and published last year in Germany a powerful provocative reflection that takes its cue from the key text of his namesake century to look for new responses to the effects of globalization and the dramatic economic and financial crisis in its solid international presence and social doctrine of the Catholic Church. The book, having raised a lively debate in the country, recently published in the Italian version (the capital. A critical reason for the Christian market, Rizzoli, Milano 2009, 324 pages, € 19.50). No attempt to "repair", with respect to the doctrine of Karl. Nor are there signs of "nostalgia". And the point is made clear already opened, where the archbishop thought specifically dedicated to the father of communism. Of his work, which affects the central topics of the forthcoming social encyclical of Benedict XVI, Ratzinger's successor on the throne of Monaco has agreed to speak with the Times.

Excellence, she introduces her book a thought to his namesake Karl. What would you tell him if he could meet him today? What's fault?
course I can not blame the terrible crimes that Stalin and others have committed in his name. However, I would say that with its totalitarian conception of society was very close to them. The dictatorship of the proletariat, the contrast between certain classes of men, and others, all these ideas for me Christian, are intolerable, because I see the man as the image of God I should attribute to Karl Marx the correct analysis of the evils of capitalism in the nineteenth century, the commodification of labor and reduction of all walks of life to the economy.

Within the German Bishops' Conference she is considered the "expert" of social issues. On the other hand it is difficult to find in his text elements that distinguish it significantly from the long tradition of social teaching as it is born and developed within the Catholic Church (there are, for example, frequent quotations from the writings of "social Pope John Paul II). In that sense this book is intended and be read as the result of the whole social doctrine of the Church?
course, as the Church, we re-established the great tradition of Catholic social teaching. The Church's mission is also to make clear the fact that the world should be organized according to law and justice, to love mercy. I committed Christians are called to change the unjust structures of society. The charitable commitment alone is not enough, you also need consolidation through Catholic social teaching, is therefore a work applied to political reforms.

respect to the current economic and financial crisis is spreading a willingness, or necessity, to strengthen state power. There is no shortage of nostalgia toward collectivism and interventionism. How do you evaluate?
In this respect I can only warn! Collectivism and the economy of the State are not the solution to our problem. The disintegration of the communist states of Central and Eastern Europe has already demonstrated what the outcome would lead us. At this time the state must establish new rules of the game, especially in finance, and the market can not do this alone. Then very quickly we should redeploy the powers between the state and economy. In Germany we have always been justifiably proud of our social market economy model, based on the liability the individual, but at the same time it contains a form of speculative capitalism wild and primitive, and requires a legal framework for competition. The market economy and competition are "products of civilization, culture and assume that the rule of law.

Beyond the social models, in game there is always the person with responsibility. It can be said in this sense that the current is primarily a moral crisis? What does "be moral" issues concerning the finance and the economy? With
moral judgments have to be careful. Only as a personal confessor can judge how a man living in the sight of God, how someone really is morally justified in his actions. Again there is no collective guilt, then there are bad managers, bad business and bad bankers. Everyone should feel responsible for their actions before God what was his intention? What was his motivation? It is really wrong? However, there is something that looks like real structures of sin, that is, systems that promote and reward the wrong man. Among these is a primitive capitalism that is governed by its nature is unlimited and unbridled greed of one man. It is aimed against man. That greed is a grave sin and can not be accepted structures that reward sin.

This crisis has perhaps something to do with the "de-Christianization of Europe"?
I see no de-Christianization of Europe, but compared to what has been done in past centuries, in the presence of a pluralistic world, must be strengthened in the energy evangelizing. In this sense, the priests and faithful of my diocese remember the words of Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger: Christianity in Europe is still hidden in the shoes of children. We face a great time! Europe continues to be shaped by Christianity. But we all are called to support more vigorously our witness and bring a dowry of our Christian image of man in society, economy and politics.

In his book, the subject of unemployment, which is the most dramatic aspect of the crisis is dealt with in relation to the problem of justice. In that sense, unemployment is an issue that has to do with justice?
who work contributes to the configuration of the company. The work in this sense is a human right. Every man should have the opportunity to contribute to building society. "No one is superfluous," says Benedict XVI. It is not just to meet the basic existential needs, but also raise the issue of employment and unemployment in the context of recognition and the appreciation of self, as it has been admirably described by John Paul II in Laborem Exercens.

She says she felt an urgent need, for the Church and for man, one focus of the social issue today in light of the crisis, but also the overall size of the economy. According to her like you need to reset the social question in the light of the problems of globalization?
I fear that the economic and financial crisis may help deepen social divisions in our world. I am concerned that perhaps, when the crisis to the end product will have its effects in poor countries will increase the number of men in poverty, victims of hunger. The burning social issue of our time on more than ever the way we produce a legal framework for the global economy is such as to allow for an equitable sharing of every man.

Excellence at international level in the hope that emerges from his book is that in the near future will produce further growth of the organization of international trade, or the same IMF, "until you get to a robust world economic order '. As if it imagines a new sort of solidarity of the world?
We as humans can not create an ideal world. However, we can mobilize all our forces to be removed unjust structures. Nutrition, health, education. This is simply to give to the poor and disadvantaged of this world can really have a chance. It will certainly be possible if progress is being made to take this crisis as an opportunity to change our way of thinking.


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