Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dorm Refrigerator Monster

Antonio Martino on Vaclav Klaus that there have told

Vaclav K. State the kind of man who like to criticize the right-minded Antonio Martino In 1988 a meeting was held in Vienna between Eastern and Western economists. The proceedings were held in a hotel full of charm and antiquated and began at 9. At eleven o'clock one of the participants stood up and indignant, said, "we are here for just two hours and Karl Marx has been nominated three times! In my country nobody talks about it, ever. " Taking advantage of the coffee break, I approached and we started to chat it discovered that he knew very well the thinking of the great liberals of the twentieth century: Hayek, Friedman, Stigler.Gli asked how he knew those things, Czechoslovakia these authors were probably banned. Replied that he had discovered in Prague, but in Naples where he had spent a period of study. I made that I was in Naples there were liberal economists, "it may be said, but there are no libraries."
In these twenty years we met many times and I think I know abbastanza.Non never forget his account of the evening which ended the "velvet revolution", "our son came back very late and we waited anxiously. When he finally returned he told us we have done our part, now it's up to you! "As finance minister and then as prime minister, Klaus has done everything to pass the czech economy from communism to free markets. His bold plan based on the distribution of privatization vouchers which corresponded to a share of ownership of SOEs, but has not had all the success it deserved because of the opposition of the old nomenclature, it was not even the spectacular failure expected by statist and has initiated the czech republic toward a more free.

I mention him because the fact that the Czech Republic and President of the EU makes Klaus's successor as President Sarkozy and the European Union it has terrorized the right-minded and euro-enthusiasts. The lure anathema - "Euroscepticism" - was dusted and used at full blast. It is an accusation that does not include an appeal the recipient to pay a final decision. Essendon was hit too, I know that it is useless to defend herself groped, especially if you have nothing to forgive. One accused of rape, murder, robbery, has the opportunity to present its case and defend himself in court, all of which is closed to anyone accused of Euroscepticism.

Vaclav is the kind of a statesman who like to criticize the right-minded, giving him a grotesque caricature bleak. On the other hand, as the Czech president has the courage to say what they think, this gives his critics the chance to tell stories about him. As just one example, after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the USSR, no one had the gall to invoke a return to communism, on the other hand, the ex-communists were not suddenly become liberals became so fashionable, more than was in the past, the "third way" - a kind of middle way between Soviet communism and capitalism "wild." Klaus summarily dismissed the idea saying that the third way inevitably leads to underdevelopment. Obviously this did not endear the ex-communists.

When I hear some European leaders, whose history has not inflicted the terrible experience of living in a communist dictatorship, so much superficial talk of freedom as a principle of social organization and driving force of economic and social development, I see the presence of Klaus EU driving satisfaction. Being represented by those who experienced those horrors is assured, he will certainly not be to please right-thinking people to endanger the freedoms we still enjoy.


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