Thursday, February 12, 2009

How To Masterbate A Woman Vids

By what authority?

"Some people say that life is a sexually transmitted disease, killing one hundred percent. Is that what you meant to say is killing Eluana? ". For the secular leader of Cl Giancarlo Cesana, "denying the charity is to deny freedom to love '

Luigi Amicone, the" Times "

It is true that God writes straight on crooked lines. Shit happens. That's life. The bad things happen. For example, you happened to Eluana the execution of a sentence of death by starvation or dehydration. In his last hours we have been following the updates of the news scrolling through websites. Or throwing glances of dismay on newspapers and television. But what happens whenever there is something true in a huge lie? According

who did die, Eluana had been dead for seventeen years. Yet Eluana had a cough. It was like the sudden rise of a beautiful sunny day. As the petition that Roberto Formigoni and others have launched to President Giorgio Napolitano on Saturday. And on Sunday the establishment of time was invested by thousands and thousands of signatures gathered by fax ordinary people, people who happened to see this thing in our site, and which described it as the next door neighbor put up ol'ha a counter bar ol'ha brought to Mass on Sunday. There

Giancarlo Cesana, you do of you, have been friends for thirty years. Did you expect such a story?

After all did not go even four years after the tragedy of Terri Schiavo. Once certain things we wanted to arrive in Italy for twenty years. Now here we are, with a little euthanasia 'brutal, even without a law on living wills, one step ahead of Zapatero. What do you think?
What I have to say I told you. I am a Christian, for me life is sacred, a gift from God, it is good that I can not have as I want. After that there are two aspects that I think are too little emphasized. First, the father who wanted to end the life of this woman does not realize that it is not alone. Because the sisters have always assisted and said they were willing to continue to assist you. So the attitude of Englaro Dad, knowingly or not, has denied her daughter's life and the love of those who assisted her. But to deny the charity is to deny freedom. It is the tremendous impression of this company, to deny freedom to love. Because, you see, I could understand that touches a care in the way her daughter would be cared for Eluana. I can understand that, even if they do not justify it. However, that a denial of the good that can make me another just seems inhumane. Second aspect. Supporters of euthanasia are generally even supporters of the doubt, so-called "secular," while Catholics, according to this version of secularism, we would be those who would impose their faith and their certainty to others. This story reveals the opposite. In fact, one part is denied any possibility of doubt and we affirm the faith some of what was good for Eluana. Across the doubt, and then the sense of limit before the mystery. In fact, euthanasia supporters deny any possibility of doubt about what this woman included, felt, suffered. And he could understand, feel and suffer while killing them off the tube of water and other nutrients. In short, we know so little that they had to kill sedarla. A treatment that clearly says that there were doubts. But they went ahead. This attitude reminds me of a lady who wrote the letter to Corriere della Sera to challenge the position of Professor Giorgio Pardi, abortion doctor who changed his mind and then I heard a few months before his death (see
interview with Times of October 5, 2006, ed
). Leopards claimed not to know if the embryo had no dignity or human. But this, said the woman, is the same location as the hunter who hears something moving in a bush and, while not knowing whether it is a hare or a child, shoot the same.
Jannacci And you say?

Good blood does not lie. From his songs reveal a great humanity. Care for the sick because they did not begin to be known cure. But it was essential to achieve cure. If under the impulse of "charity" and were not born of Christian piety centers for the sick (including those patients, such as leprosy and plague that once were simply expelled from the community and left to die on the margins of society), if they were born and then orders the hospitable hospital, medicine would not have developed as we know. It is a fact that the development of medicine is started by charity and piety, human solidarity, not a scientific movement. And from a solidarity that has begun to see human suffering as a participation in Christ's suffering. Christ, who then redeems all human suffering by his resurrection (because as St. Paul writes, if Christ had not risen, vain is our faith, that we could not humanly have hope in the face of suffering - as Benedict XVI said, Christianity would be "absurd") by removing death as the last word. It is this awareness that has made a positive move towards the sick. Failing this, you do not know how to sustain the hope of men. Shakespeare said that life is a long agony. Just recently I have felt the quote that defines life as a sexually transmitted disease, killing one hundred percent. This is our current understanding of life? Is that what you meant to say is killing Eluana? And then, in those conditions was seventeen years old, you might not have expected the parliament to pass a law? Eluana possible that should go down in history as the only killed as Italian, hunger and thirst, as no law, not even the most extreme of the living will or even euthanasia, which will be discussed in Parliament provides? Possible that none of these eminent constitutional experts who advised the President of the Republic to reject the decree of life-saving Berlusconi has come the suspicion that perhaps there was not the decree was unconstitutional, but the death sentence? The prevalence of the law of love, so this is serious. Summary Justice, the highest injustice. Now here in Italy we have become accustomed to certain things. Do not you think? distinguish, in the meantime, the ratio of law-medicine and so-called "justicialism" that in fact rife in general for over a decade. On the first horn of the question, it is true, the relationship between medicine and law are becoming more intense. For two reasons. The first is that from the perspective of the evolution of ways of life Biomedicine is the most important factor. Think of what they produced on the laws of assisted reproduction techniques. For example, until recently it was clear that "certain mater semper. Now that the Latin and the underlying reality, natural, normal, taken for granted until a few years ago, is no longer so clear. Because, thanks to biomedicine, now a child can have not one but different mothers. It may be the genetic mother, the pregnant mother and the nursing mother. In short, we have entered another world. Hence the second reason that makes more and more stringent relations between medicine and law: all this scientific development raises the need to somehow traccino boundaries. Because not everything can be done, there is a need to regulate medicine, as the extremes of what is permitted is what is required and what is forbidden. To answer the second horn of the question, "justicialism" The problem is that the law is properly administered and that the exercise of judicial power does not prevail over people and the other powers. Otherwise the democracy is going to be blessed. Here, in Italy to be struggling a lot this balance. And as I said before, not today. Impression on me, almost twenty years ago, the word that Don Giussani, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, he used to describe Italy: country "intoxicated." From this intoxication are not out yet.

Why? Because the '68 has been heavily attacked the tradition of the country, Catholic, since Italy is a Catholic country, with no alternative has emerged. Indeed. The revolutionary alternative that even in Italy has tried to build after the war and that in '68 seemed at hand, collapsed with the fall of the Berlin Wall. He left behind a justicialism so pervasive as powerless, with the same cruel inefficiency of public administration. I was impressed that the former U.S. Ambassador Ronald Spogli, leaving Italy, he spoke of us as a 'power in decline. " It seems that no one has responded ... Intendimi, I do not think it's over, indeed.

It's not over because you hope that sooner or later reach a civil religion on us too? No. It is not over because I'm a human experience meaningful. And because there are many friends who are with me. So, my hope is based on what there is, not knowing that tomorrow something happens that now is not there.

No civil religion, then? The problem is serious. A Member, its construction as a compromise or arrangement between its various components, needs a recognition of something common. The fathers of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence wrote "we believe that certain truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they were endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these There are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. " We shared, the foundation of our Constitution, we have that "Italy is a republic founded on work." It's a little 'bit.

Then right theologian Vito Mancuso, according to which Catholics must bring a dowry to the seed company of their identity that it rots in the ground and makes it bear fruit, along with other seeds rotted, a new civil religion. Is that it?

No, the seed that rots is to give a certain plant, that plant, not just any, from the fruit of which will be recognized if it is good or not. Jesus says we are a yeast, not a solute. Catholicism is a universal religion, not civil. But keep in mind, Catholicism, as evidenced the very life of the Catholic Church throughout the world, helping to join together in civilization rather than make war. The persecution of Christians and the Catholic Church is a bit 'a litmus test. Tell us when, where and persecute Christians Catholic Church, a little or a lot, there is persecution of the people.
Sarai racist, denounced the illegal immigrants, too, because for now, doctors may order (not "should") do?

The doctor, give first aid, performs an act of compassion and humanity, which does not seek the complaint to the police. If, however, sees a meningitis, a rape, an accident at work, must report to the criminal, for protect the patient and society. And this has to do it whether it's fellow countrymen is that it is illegal. These, then, of course, are not insured. Thus, for welfare benefits, at least those of a certain level, you must file a complaint or request to the government. It seems to me that the new law has done much fuss about nothing.
Giuliano Ferrara. Continue to follow him, despite your past strategic differences on the "list mad? Always. It is one of the people that I admire more. But not so much for his fight for life, against the RU486 and so on, which of course I agree. But why does a newspaper that teaches you to think that places issues, which supports the curiosity and knowledge of how things really are. In fact I always tell kids that if they want to read a newspaper should read the paper. And time, of course. But the newspaper is to read the paper. Clear that they are with him in the battles for his life against the nihilism of the time. But when you throw in politics and then lost I'm sorry. We have made these experiences more than thirty years ago, with the divorce and then abortion. It is not that it was made worse today. On the contrary. So, I think the referendum on divorce, there was a crazy list. There was the Christian Democrats, Amintore Fanfani, the church, parish and everyone expected a triumph with millions and millions of votes. Then there was the abortion, a very serious thing, all convinced that people would vote on the good life, according to their conscience. But no, we lost all the battles so-called ethical. The referendum on the law we won 40 to abstain, not because there was a movement of popular belief. The truth is put to the vote, it says that's all.

So what are you doing? You retire from public life?
Not at all. But I try not to go crashing into a wall when I see the wall in front of me.

Giancarlo, Feb. 22 runs on the fourth anniversary of the death of Don Luigi Giussani? Do you miss the Don Giussani?
Yes, I miss Giussani. It was one on which I leaned. But there's one thing to say: he left us a lot. Gave us the opportunity to go forward. In this sense it was a true master. Why did we do experience. An experience that lasts, that goes on, that continues. So, let us hope.

A recent note from the Vatican Secretariat of State disclosed the dramatic sequence of controversy that began with the bishop's statements denying the Holocaust Lefebvre Richard Williamson is able to say explicitly that the levy for admission to an office in the Episcopal Church will also have to make absolutely clear and public distance from its position on the Holocaust, not known to the Holy Father at the time of remission of excommunication. " The brief, suggests a much tried by the pope attacks on his person and the Church. "The Holy Father asks the prayerful support of all the faithful." But do not you think that, beyond the Williamson case, the pope in Regensburg, and the lessons of rationality, culture, affection, and as a subject of offensive preconceived hostility and militant, as if powers both inside and outside the Church feel threatened and then point it to weaken, undermine, intimidate, and true emotional power of this pontificate? Yes, it seems that they meet with less sympathy than we expected. But it is only the case of this pope. It happens to all the popes. Who is more, some less. It also happened to his predecessor, John Paul II. We have in mind the huge crowds at the funeral of John Paul. But let's not forget the attacks he suffered for many years, inside and outside the Church, the fierce criticism. Once he was a conservative, because it was another friend of Solidarity, still another because he thought a bit 'like Reagan and so on. All this does not happen because we are in 2009 than in 1985. It happens because, as Eliot said, the Church - and its chief representative - is tender where men would be strict and stern where the men would be soft. And this is an attitude that men find it hard to accept.


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